
The Premise.

In today's world technology runs our lives, and in the future, it will only become more prevalent. Already we see the web finding its way into our lives by providing an accessible platform for collaborative projects, global communication, and even anger management tips for frustrated programmers.

The Problem.

Currently there is no channeled avenue that allows users to keep in contact with only peers and mentors specific to the organization they are part of. While Facebook and LinkedIn are popular ways of sharing and connecting, many would prefer not showcase their personal lives, yet still be able to connect with their boss, or display certain aspects of their resume to coworkers while not to old classmates.

The Purpose.

Maintaining contact. Promoting innovation. Forming valuable connections. Expanding your universe while shrinking the world to fit it.

Our Solution.

Provides a private, targeted network for organizations, programs, schools, and companies. Members can connect and follow within their specific programs while maintaining profiles for the multiple organizations(or Galaxies as we fondly call it) they are part of.


Our Journey

has just begun...

  • Summer 2015

    How we got together

    Thank you to Girls Who Code for bringing us all together and giving us the opportunity to dream, create, and explore.

  • July 2015

    The Birth of Galaxy

    Born in Nebula, Building 1 at the Microsoft Mountain View Campus, Galaxy came to life over lunch time pitches and javascript struggles.

  • We wonder
    what the

The Gals in Galaxy

Four girls. One mission.

Emily Lo

"Let's go invent tommorow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday." -Steve Jobs

Maya Sripadam

"Keep your head in the clouds and your hands on the keyboard." - Marissa Meyers

Shweta Shankar

"It is the ultimate luxury to combine passion and contribution." - Sheryl Sandberg

Pratibha Sriram

"Solving big problems is easier than solving little problems." - Sergey Brin

Contact Us

Comments, questions, concerns, and shooting stars are welcome!